My cousin told me not to obsessed about getting on the scale.
When she told me that, I realized that I am kind of obsessed about getting on the scale every week.
I would always think of getting on the scale every week and loosing weight.
Some people check their weight every month or 2 weeks.
I realized that checking it every week, makes me conscious of how much I weigh, which is how I feel most of the time. I check it constantly just to see if I've lost weight.
I've decided to check it every 2 weeks from now on.
On the process of weight loss in using the Law of attraction, you will see a lot of changes in you emotions, your body, and your everyday life. Some times you have this instinct of eating random fruits everyday or drinking a lot of water, or maybe even doing a bit of sports now and then. Once you have those thoughts, you act on them and make them into reality, putting those activities in your daily schedule.
Once things have changed you'll look back and say, thank you! I know believe.
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